
Propagation of three-dimensional bipolar ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in an inhomogeneous array of carbon nanotubes
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. A 97 (2018) 043814
Physics - Optics
Nonlinear Sciences - Pattern Formation and Solitons
We study the propagation of three-dimensional (3D) bipolar ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in an inhomogeneous array of semiconductor carbon nanotubes. The heterogeneity is represented by a planar region with an increased concentration of conduction electrons. The evolution of the electromagnetic field and electron concentration in the sample are governed by the Maxwell's equations and continuity equation. In particular, non-uniformity of the electromagnetic field along the axis of the nanotubes is taken into account. We demonstrate that, depending on values of parameters of the electromagnetic pulse approaching the region with the higher electron concentration, the pulse is reflected from the region or passes it. Specifically, our simulations demonstrate that, after interacting with the higher-concentration area, the pulse can propagate steadily, without significant spreading. The possibility of such ultrashort electromagnetic pulses propagating in arrays of carbon nanotubes over distances significantly exceeding characteristic dimensions of the pulses makes it possible to consider them as 3D solitons.
Comment: Phys. Rev. A, In Press