
Just another quantum assembly language (Jaqal)
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Physics
Computer Science - Mathematical Software
The Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUT) is a trapped-ion quantum computer testbed realized at Sandia National Laboratories on behalf of the Department of Energy's Office of Science and its Advanced Scientific Computing (ASCR) program. Here we describe Jaqal, for Just another quantum assembly language, the programming language we invented to specify programs executed on QSCOUT. Jaqal is useful beyond QSCOUT---it can support mutliple hardware targets because it offloads gate names and their pulse-sequence definitions to external files. We describe the capabilities of the Jaqal language, our approach in designing it, and the reasons for its creation. To learn more about QSCOUT, Jaqal, or JaqalPaq, the metaprogramming Python package we developed for Jaqal, please visit https://qscout.sandia.gov, https://gitlab.com/jaqal, or send an e-mail to qscout@sandia.gov.
Comment: Accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, Oct. 12-16, 2020. Contains overlaps with the formal Jaqal language specification in arXiv:2003.09382, but expands significantly on the rationales behind the language choices made