
Topological quantum chains protected by dipolar and other modulated symmetries
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
High Energy Physics - Theory
Quantum Physics
We investigate the physics of one-dimensional symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases protected by symmetries whose symmetry generators exhibit spatial modulation. We focus in particular on phases protected by symmetries with linear (i.e., dipolar), quadratic and exponential modulations. We present a simple recipe for constructing modulated SPT models by generalizing the concept of decorated domain walls to spatially modulated symmetry defects, and develop several tools for characterizing and classifying modulated SPT phases. A salient feature of modulated symmetries is that they are generically only present for open chains, and are broken upon the imposition of periodic boundary conditions. Nevertheless, we show that SPT order is present even with periodic boundary conditions, a phenomenon we understand within the context of an object we dub a ``bundle symmetry''. In addition, we show that modulated SPT phases can avoid a certain no-go theorem, leading to an unusual algebraic structure in their matrix product state descriptions.
Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures; the authors have been listed in alphabetical order