
GRBs as Probes of the Early Universe with TSO
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most luminous known electromagnetic radiation sources in the Universe for the 3 to 300 sec of their prompt flashes (isotropic X/ gamma-ray luminosities up to 10^53 ergs/sec). Their afterglows have first day rest-frame UV/optical absolute magnitudes AB = -30 to -23. This luminous continuum nUV-nIR back-light provides the ultimate probe of the SFR(z) back to the first Pop III to II.5 stars, expected to be massive and GRB progenitors. GRB afterglow spectra in the first 1 to 3 hours will directly measure their host galaxy ionization fraction x_i vs. z in the Epoch of Reionization (EOR), tracing the growth of structure. Only 28% of Swift GRBs have measured redshifts due to limited followup at R, J >21. Some ~25% of GRBs are optically dark due to dust absorption in their host galaxies, but those with low NH in their X-ray spectra are likely at z >7. Current 8-10m telescopes and coming ELTs cannot pursue optically dark GRBs promptly, nor can JWST or WFIRST slew within 0.5 to 1 days of a GRB. The Time-domain Spectroscopic Observatory (TSO) is a proposed Probe-class 1.3m telescope at L2, with imaging and spectroscopy (R = 200, 1800) in 4 bands (0.3 to 5um) and rapid slew capability to 90% of sky. TSO would finally utilize z > 6 to 12 GRBs as the most direct probe of the SFR(z), EOR(z), and possibly the first direct detection of the core collapse of the very first (Pop III) stars.
Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Science White Paper submitted to the Astro2020 Decadal Survey