
Low-lying eigenmodes of the Wilson-Dirac operator and correlations with topological objects
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Lattice
The probability density of low-lying eigenvectors of the hermitian Wilson-Dirac operator is examined. Comparisons in position and size between eigenvectors, topological charge and action density are made. We do this for standard Monte-Carlo generated SU(3) background fields and for single instanton background fields. Both hot and cooled SU(3) background fields are considered. An instanton model is fitted to eigenmodes and topological charge density and the sizes and positions of these are compared.
Comment: v3: 20 pages, 11 figures, Colour versions of Fig. 1 and Fig. 4 and additional colour figures can be obtained at http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/cssm/lattice Revised version contains additional discussions about the topological charge used and greatly improved readability of the plots, Corrected Fig. 8