
On infinite walls in deformation quantization
Document Type
Working Paper
Annals Phys.317:474-491,2005
Quantum Physics
We examine the deformation quantization of a single particle moving in one dimension (i) in the presence of an infinite potential wall, (ii) confined by an infinite square well, and (iii) bound by a delta function potential energy. In deformation quantization, considered as an autonomous formulation of quantum mechanics, the Wigner function of stationary states must be found by solving the so-called $\*$-genvalue (``stargenvalue'') equation for the Hamiltonian. For the cases considered here, this pseudo-differential equation is difficult to solve directly, without an ad hoc modification of the potential. Here we treat the infinite wall as the limit of a solvable exponential potential. Before the limit is taken, the corresponding $\*$-genvalue equation involves the Wigner function at momenta translated by imaginary amounts. We show that it can be converted to a partial differential equation, however, with a well-defined limit. We demonstrate that the Wigner functions calculated from the standard Schr\"odinger wave functions satisfy the resulting new equation. Finally, we show how our results may be adapted to allow for the presence of another, non-singular part in the potential.
Comment: 22 pages, to appear in Annals of Physics