
Probing neutrino production in blazars by millimeter VLBI
Document Type
Working Paper
Galaxies 11 (2023) 84
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
The advancement of neutrino observatories has sparked a surge in multi-messenger astronomy. Multiple neutrino associations among blazars are reported while neutrino production site is located within their central (sub)parsecs. Yet many questions remain on the nature of those processes. The next generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT) is uniquely positioned for these studies, as its high frequency and resolution can probe both the accretion disk region and the parsec-scale jet. This opens up new opportunities for connecting the two regions and unraveling the proton acceleration and neutrino production in blazars. We outline observational strategies for ngEHT and highlight what it can contribute to the multi-messenger study of blazars.
Comment: 9 pages; accepted to Galaxies Special Issue "From Vision to Instrument: Creating a Next-Generation Event Horizon Telescope for a New Era of Black Hole Science"