
AGNs in massive galaxy clusters: Role of galaxy merging, infalling groups, cluster mass, and dynamical state
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
There is compelling evidence that active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in high-density regions have undergone a different evolution than their counterparts in the field, indicating that they are strongly affected by their environment. To investigate the various factors that may affect the prevalence of AGNs in cluster galaxies, we selected a sample of 19 thoroughly studied X-ray-selected galaxy clusters from the LoCuSS survey. All these clusters are considered massive, with $M_{500}\gtrsim 2\times10^{14} M_{solar}$, and span a narrow redshift range between $z\sim$0.16 and 0.28. We divided the cluster surroundings into two concentric annuli with a width of $R_{500}$ radius. We further divided the cluster sample based on the presence of infalling X-ray-detected groups, cluster mass, or dynamical state. We found that the X-ray AGN fraction in the outskirts is consistent with the field, but it is significantly lower in cluster centres, in agreement with previous results for massive clusters. We show that these results do not depend on cluster mass. Furthermore, we did not find any evidence of a spatial correlation between infalling groups and AGNs. Nevertheless, a significant excess of X-ray AGNs is found in the outskirts of relaxed clusters at the 2$\sigma$ confidence level, compared both to non-relaxed clusters and to the field. Our results suggest that the mechanisms that trigger AGN activity may vary between cluster centres and the outskirts. Ram pressure can efficiently remove the gas from infalling galaxies, thereby triggering AGN activity in some cases. However, the reduced availability of gas globally diminishes the fraction of AGNs in cluster centers. The surplus of X-ray AGNs identified in the outskirts of relaxed clusters may be attributed to an increased frequency of galaxy mergers, a notion that is further supported by the disturbed morphology observed in several galaxies.
Comment: 14 pages, accepted in A&A