
Operational experience of ALBA's Digital LLRF at SOLARIS Light Source
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Accelerator Physics
For control of RF cavities installed in Solaris storage ring light source the digital Low Level RF (dLLRF) system was necessary from the beginning of operation. Since there were no expertise at the new constructed facility and no time for development due to funds deadline, almost turn-key dLLRF from Alba has been implemented according to MAXIV selection. Thanks to high flexibility of dLLRF only small adaptations were needed in terms of interfaces to auxiliary systems and setup of parameters. This paper summarizes operational experience about installation, commissioning, learning-curve from entry-level user, beam operation and future upgrades of this dLLRF.
Comment: Poster presented at LLRF Workshop 2017 (LLRF2017, arXiv:1803.07677)