
Ptychographic nanoscale imaging of the magnetoelectric coupling in freestanding BiFeO$_3$
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Soft X-ray ptychography was employed to simultaneously image the ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic domains in an 80 nm thick freestanding multiferroic BiFeO$_3$. The antiferromagnetic spin cycloid was resolved by reconstructing the resonant elastic X-ray scattering and visualised together with mosaic-like ferroelectric domains in a linear dichroic contrast image at the Fe L$_3$ edge. The measurements reveal a near perfect coupling between the magnetic and ferroelectric ordering by which the propagation direction of the spin cycloid is locked orthogonally to the ferroelectric polarisation. The results provide a direct visualisation of the strong magnetoelectric coupling in BiFeO$_3$ and of its fine multiferroic domain structure, emphasising the potential of high resolution ptychographic imaging in opening new possibilities for the study of multiferroics and non-collinear magnetic materials with soft X-rays.