
Current Status of the Muon g-2 Interpretations within Two-Higgs-Doublet Models
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 11, 115012
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Experiment
In this article, we review and update implications of the muon anomalous magnetic moment (muon $g-2$) anomaly for two-Higgs-doublet models (2HDMs), which are classified according to imposed symmetries and their resulting Yukawa sector. In the minimal setup, the muon $g-2$ anomaly can be accommodated by the type-X (lepto-philic) 2HDM, flavor-aligned 2HDM (FA2HDM), muon-specific 2HDM ($\mu$2HDM), and $\mu\tau$-flavor violating 2HDM. We summarize all relevant experimental constraints from high-energy collider experiments and flavor experiments, as well as the theoretical constraints from the perturbative unitarity and vacuum stability bounds, to these 2HDMs in light of the muon $g-2$ anomaly. We clarify the available parameter spaces of these 2HDMs and investigate how to probe the remaining parameter regions in future experiments. In particular, we find that, due to the updated $B_s\to\mu^+ \mu^-$ measurement, the remaining parameter region of the FA2HDM is almost equivalent to the one of the type-X 2HDM. Furthermore, based on collider simulations, we find that the type-X 2HDM is excluded and the $\mu$2HDM scenario will be covered with the upcoming Run 3 data.
Comment: 46 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables