
The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: Evidence for Dust Grain Evolution in Perseus Star-forming Clumps
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
The dust emissivity spectral index, $\beta$, is a critical parameter for deriving the mass and temperature of star-forming structures, and consequently their gravitational stability. The $\beta$ value is dependent on various dust grain properties, such as size, porosity, and surface composition, and is expected to vary as dust grains evolve. Here we present $\beta$, dust temperature, and optical depth maps of the star-forming clumps in the Perseus Molecular Cloud determined from fitting SEDs to combined Herschel and JCMT observations in the 160 $\mu$m, 250 $\mu$m, 350 $\mu$m, 500 $\mu$m, and 850 $\mu$m bands. Most of the derived $\beta$, and dust temperature values fall within the ranges of 1.0 - 2.7 and 8 - 20 K, respectively. In Perseus, we find the $\beta$ distribution differs significantly from clump to clump, indicative of grain growth. Furthermore, we also see significant, localized $\beta$ variations within individual clumps and find low $\beta$ regions correlate with local temperature peaks, hinting at the possible origins of low $\beta$ grains. Throughout Perseus, we also see indications of heating from B stars and embedded protostars, as well evidence of outflows shaping the local landscape.
Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 15 figures, 3 tables