
Pose-aware 3D Beamwidth Adaptation for Mobile Extended Reality
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Information Theory
This paper presents a sensor-aided pose-aware beamwidth adaptation design for a conceptual extended reality (XR) Head-Mounted Display (HMD) equipped with a 2D planar array. The beam is tracked and adapted on the user side by leveraging HMD orientation estimates. The beamwidth adaptation scheme is effected by selective deactivation of elements in the 2D antenna array, employing the angular estimation covariance matrix to overlap the beam with the estimation confidence interval. The proposed method utilizes the estimation correlations to adapt the beamwidth along the confidence interval of these estimates. Compared to a beamwidth adaptation without leveraging estimation correlations, the proposed method demonstrates the gain of leveraging estimation correlations by improving the coverage area for a given outage probability threshold by approximately 16%, or equivalently increasing the power efficiency up to 18%.
Comment: Accepted in the 2024 IEEE ICC