
Shock Excitation in Narrow Line Regions Powered by AGN Outflows
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Outflows in the Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) are considered to play a key role in the host galaxy evolution through transfer of a large amount of energy. A Narrow Line Region (NLR) in the AGN is composed of ionized gas extending from pc-scales to kpc-scales. It has been suggested that shocks are required for ionization of the NLR gas. If AGN outflows generate such shocks, they will sweep through the NLR and the outflow energy will be transferred into a galaxy-scale region. In order to study contribution of the AGN outflow to the NLR-scale shock, we measure the [\ion{Fe}{2}]$\lambda12570$/[\ion{P}{2}]$\lambda11886$ line ratio, which is a good tracer of shocks, using near-infrared spectroscopic observations with WINERED (Warm INfrared Echelle spectrograph to Realize Extreme Dispersion and sensitivity) mounted on the New Technology Telescope. Among 13 Seyfert galaxies we observed, the [\ion{Fe}{2}] and [\ion{P}{2}] lines were detected in 12 and 6 targets, respectively. The [\ion{Fe}{2}]/[\ion{P}{2}] ratios in 4 targets were found to be higher than 10, which implies the existence of shocks. We also found that the shock is likely to exist where an ionized outflow, i.e., a blue wing in [\ion{S}{3}]$\lambda9533$, is present. Our result implies that the ionized outflow present over a NLR-scale region sweeps through the interstellar medium and generates a shock.
Comment: Accepted for ApJ, 20 pages, 11 figures