
Search for active-sterile neutrino mixing using neutral-current interactions in NOvA
Document Type
Working Paper
NOvA CollaborationAdamson, P.Aliaga, L.Ambrose, D.Anfimov, N.Antoshkin, A.Arrieta-Diaz, E.Augsten, K.Aurisano, A.Backhouse, C.Baird, M.Bambah, B. A.Bays, K.Behera, B.Bending, S.Bernstein, R.Bhatnagar, V.Bhuyan, B.Bian, J.Blackburn, T.Bolshakova, A.Bromberg, C.Brown, J.Brunetti, G.Buchanan, N.Butkevich, A.Bychkov, V.Campbell, M.Catano-Mur, E.Childress, S.Choudhary, B. C.Chowdhury, B.Coan, T. E.Coelho, J. A. B.Colo, M.Cooper, J.Corwin, L.Cremonesi, L.Cronin-Hennessy, D.Davies, G. S.Davies, J. P.Derwent, P. F.Dharmapalan, R.Ding, P.Djurcic, Z.Dukes, E. C.Duyang, H.Edayath, S.Ehrlich, R.Feldman, G. J.Frank, M. J.Gabrielyan, M.Gallagher, H. R.Germani, S.Ghosh, T.Giri, A.Gomes, R. A.Goodman, M. C.Grichine, V.Groh, M.Group, R.Grover, D.Guo, B.Habig, A.Hartnell, J.Hatcher, R.Hatzikoutelis, A.Heller, K.Himmel, A.Holin, A.Howard, B.Hylen, J.Jediny, F.Judah, M.Kafka, G. K.Kalra, D.Kasahara, S. M. S.Kasetti, S.Keloth, R.Kolupaeva, L.Kotelnikov, S.Kourbanis, I.Kreymer, A.Kumar, A.Kurbanov, S.Lackey, T.Lang, K.Lee, W. M.Lin, S.Lokajicek, M.Lozier, J.Luchuk, S.Maan, K.Magill, S.Mann, W. A.Marshak, M. L.Matera, K.Matveev, V.Méndez, D. P.Messier, M. D.Meyer, H.Miao, T.Miller, W. H.Mishra, S. R.Mohanta, R.Moren, A.Mualem, L.Muether, M.Mufson, S.Murphy, R.Musser, J.Nelson, J. K.Nichol, R.Niner, E.Norman, A.Nosek, T.Oksuzian, Y.Olshevskiy, A.Olson, T.Paley, J.Patterson, R. B.Pawloski, G.Pershey, D.Petrova, O.Petti, R.Phan-Budd, S.Plunkett, R. K.Poling, R.Potukuchi, B.Principato, C.Psihas, F.Radovic, A.Rameika, R. A.Rebel, B.Reed, B.Rocco, D.Rojas, P.Ryabov, V.Sachdev, K.Sail, P.Samoylov, O.Sanchez, M. C.Schroeter, R.Sepulveda-Quiroz, J.Shanahan, P.Sheshukov, A.Singh, J.Singh, P.Singh, V.Smolik, J.Solomey, N.Song, E.Sousa, A.Soustruznik, K.Strait, M.Suter, L.Talaga, R. L.Tas, P.Thayyullathil, R. B.Thomas, J.Tian, X.Tognini, S. C.Tripathi, J.Tsaris, A.Urheim, J.Vahle, P.Vasel, J.Vinton, L.Vold, A.Vrba, T.Wang, B.Wetstein, M.Whittington, D.Wojcicki, S. G.Wolcott, J.Yadav, N.Yang, S.Zalesak, J.Zamorano, B.Zwaska, R.
Phys. Rev. D 96, 072006 (2017)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
We report results from the first search for sterile neutrinos mixing with active neutrinos through a reduction in the rate of neutral-current interactions over a baseline of 810\,km between the NOvA detectors. Analyzing a 14-kton detector equivalent exposure of 6.05$\times$10$^{20}$ protons-on-target in the NuMI beam at Fermilab, we observe 95 neutral-current candidates at the Far Detector compared with $83.5 \pm 9.7 \mbox{(stat.)} \pm 9.4 \mbox{(syst.)}$ events predicted assuming mixing only occurs between active neutrino species. No evidence for $\nu_{\mu} \rightarrow \nu_{s}$ transitions is found. Interpreting these results within a 3+1 model, we place constraints on the mixing angles $\theta_{24}<20.8^{\circ}$ and $\theta_{34}<31.2^{\circ}$ at the 90% C.L. for $0.05~eV^2\leq \Delta m^2_{41}\leq 0.5~eV^2$, the range of mass splittings that produce no significant oscillations over the Near Detector baseline.
Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures