
Cosmological constraints from the EFT power spectrum and tree-level bispectrum of 21cm intensity maps
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics of the Dark Universe 45 (2024) 101530
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
We explore the information content of 21cm intensity maps in redshift space using the 1-loop Effective Field Theory power spectrum model and the bispectrum at tree level. The 21cm signal contains signatures of dark matter, dark energy and the growth of large-scale structure in the Universe. These signatures are typically analyzed via the 2-point correlation function or power spectrum. However, adding the information from the 3-point correlation function or bispectrum will be crucial to exploiting next-generation intensity mapping experiments. The bispectrum could offer a unique opportunity to break key parameter degeneracies that hinder the measurement of cosmological parameters and improve on the precision. We use a Fisher forecast analysis to estimate the constraining power of the HIRAX survey on cosmological parameters, dark energy and modified gravity.
Comment: 16 + 4 pages, "Minor corrections, main results unchanged. Version accepted by Phys. Dark Univ"