
Superfluid currents in half-moon polariton condensates
Document Type
Working Paper
ACS Photonics 7(5), 1163-1170 (2020)
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
We excite exciton-polariton condensates in half-moon shapes by the non-resonant optical excitation of GaAs-based cylindrical pillar microcavities. In this geometry, the {\pi}-jump of the phase of the condensate wave function coexists with a gradual {\pm \pi} phase variation between two horns of the half-moon. We switch between clockwise and counter-clockwise phase currents by slightly shifting the excitation spot on the surface of the pillar. Half-moon condensates are expected to reveal features of two-level quantum systems similar to superconducting flux qubits