
Quantum tunneling from excited states: Recovering imaginary-time instantons from a real-time analysis
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Theory
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Quantum Physics
We revisit the path integral description of quantum tunneling and show how it can be generalized to excited states. For clarity, we focus on the simple toy model of a point particle in a double-well potential, for which we perform all steps explicitly. Instead of performing the familiar Wick rotation from physical to imaginary time - which is inconsistent with the requisite boundary conditions when treating tunneling from excited states - we regularize the path integral by adding an infinitesimal complex contribution to the Hamiltonian, while keeping time strictly real. We find that this gives rise to a complex stationary-phase solution, in agreement with recent insights from Picard-Lefshitz theory. We then show that there exists a class of analytic solutions for the corresponding equations of motion, which can be made to match the appropriate boundary conditions in the physically relevant limits of a vanishing regulator and an infinite physical time. We provide a detailed discussion of this non-trivial limit. We find that, for systems without an explicit time-dependence, our approach reproduces the picture of an instanton-like solution defined on a finite Euclidean-time interval. Lastly, we discuss the generalization of our approach to broader classes of systems, for which it serves as a reliable framework for high-precision calculations.
Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures