
Current status of the Extension of the FRIPON network in Chile
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
FRIPON is an efficient ground-based network for the detection and characterization of fireballs, which was initiated in France in 2016 with over one hundred cameras and which has been very successfully extended to Europe and Canada with one hundred more stations. After seven successful years of operation in the northern hemisphere, it seems necessary to extend this network towards the southern hemisphere - where the lack of detection is evident - to obtain an exhaustive view of fireball activity. The task of extending the network to any region outside the northern hemisphere presents the challenge of a new installation process, where the recommended and tested version of the several sub-systems that compose a station had to be replaced due to regional availability and compatibility considerations, as well as due to constant software and hardware obsolescence and updates. In Chile, we have a unique geography, with a vast extension in latitude, as well as desert regions, which have generated the need to evaluate the scientific and technical performance of the network under special conditions, prioritizing the optimization of a set of factors related to the deployment process, as well as the feasible and achievable versions of the required components, the geographical location of the stations, and their respective operational, maintenance, safety, and communication conditions. In this talk, we will present the current status of this effort, including a brief report on the obstacles and difficulties encountered and how we have solved them, the current operational status of the network in Northern Chile, as well as the challenges and prospects for the densification of the network over South America.
Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, International Meteor Conference proceedings