
Progress on the Electromagnetic Calorimeter Trigger Simulation at the Belle II Experiment
Document Type
Working Paper
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 2143-2147, Sept. 2020
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
The Belle II experiment at KEK in Japan has started real data taking from April 2018 to probe a New Physics beyond the Standard Model by measuring CP violation precisely and rare weak decays of heavy quark and lepton. The experiment is performed at the high luminosity SuperKEKB e^+ e^- collider with 80 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1 as an ultimate instantaneous luminosity. In order to develop and test an appropriate trigger algorithm under much higher luminosity and beam background environment than previous KEKB collider, a detail simulation study of the Belle II calorimeter trigger system is very crucial to operate Belle II Trigger and DAQ system in stable. We report preliminary results on various trigger logics and their efficiencies using physics and beam background Monte Carlo events with a Belle II Geant4-based analysis framework called Basf2.