
Entanglement from superradiance and rotating quantum fluids of light
Document Type
Working Paper
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Condensed Matter - Quantum Gases
High Energy Physics - Theory
Quantum Physics
The amplification of radiation by superradiance is a universal phenomenon observed in numerous physical systems. We demonstrate that superradiant scattering generates entanglement for different input states, including coherent states, thereby establishing the inherently quantum nature of this phenomenon. To put these concepts to the test, we propose a novel approach to create horizonless ergoregions, which are nonetheless dynamically stable thanks to the dissipative dynamics of a polaritonic fluid of light. We numerically simulate the system to demonstrate the creation of a stable ergoregion. Subsequently, we investigate rotational superradiance within this system, with a primary focus on entanglement generation and the possibilities for its enhancement using current techniques. Our methods permit the investigation of quantum emission by rotational superradiance in state-of-the-art experiments, in which the input state can be controlled at will.
Comment: 13 pages with 10 figures + 11 pages (references + appendices with two extra figure and a table with numerical data)