
From finite state automata to tangle cobordisms: a TQFT journey from one to four dimensions
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Quantum Algebra
Computer Science - Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematics - Category Theory
Mathematics - Representation Theory
Primary: 57K16, 57K18, 57K45, 68Q45, 18M30, Secondary: 68Q70, 18B20
This is a brief introduction to link homology theories that categorify Reshetikhin--Turaev $\mathsf{SL}(N)$-quantum link invariants. A recently discovered surprising connection between finite state automata and Boolean TQFTs in dimension one is explained as a warm-up.
Comment: 40 pages, many figures, corrected minor misprints. To appear in Contemporary Mathematics, conference proceedings "From Representation Theory to Mathematical Physics and Back"