
One-dimensional topological theories with defects: the linear case
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Quantum Algebra
Mathematical Physics
Mathematics - Category Theory
18M05, 18M30, 57K16, 16W60, 15A63
The paper studies the Karoubi envelope of a one-dimensional topological theory with defects and inner endpoints, defined over a field. It turns out that the Karoubi envelope is determined by a symmetric Frobenius algebra K associated to the theory. The Karoubi envelope is then equivalent to the quotient of the Frobenius-Brauer category of K modulo the ideal of negligible morphisms. Symmetric Frobenius algebras, such as K, describe two-dimensional TQFTs for the category of thin flat surfaces, and elements of the algebra can be turned into defects on the side boundaries of these surfaces. We also explain how to couple K to the universal construction restricted to closed surfaces to define a topological theory of open-closed two-dimensional cobordisms which is usually not an open-closed 2D TQFT.
Comment: 38 pages, Figure 2.3.4 corrected. Many figures