
Auto-Prox: Training-Free Vision Transformer Architecture Search via Automatic Proxy Discovery
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
The substantial success of Vision Transformer (ViT) in computer vision tasks is largely attributed to the architecture design. This underscores the necessity of efficient architecture search for designing better ViTs automatically. As training-based architecture search methods are computationally intensive, there is a growing interest in training-free methods that use zero-cost proxies to score ViTs. However, existing training-free approaches require expert knowledge to manually design specific zero-cost proxies. Moreover, these zero-cost proxies exhibit limitations to generalize across diverse domains. In this paper, we introduce Auto-Prox, an automatic proxy discovery framework, to address the problem. First, we build the ViT-Bench-101, which involves different ViT candidates and their actual performance on multiple datasets. Utilizing ViT-Bench-101, we can evaluate zero-cost proxies based on their score-accuracy correlation. Then, we represent zero-cost proxies with computation graphs and organize the zero-cost proxy search space with ViT statistics and primitive operations. To discover generic zero-cost proxies, we propose a joint correlation metric to evolve and mutate different zero-cost proxy candidates. We introduce an elitism-preserve strategy for search efficiency to achieve a better trade-off between exploitation and exploration. Based on the discovered zero-cost proxy, we conduct a ViT architecture search in a training-free manner. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method generalizes well to different datasets and achieves state-of-the-art results both in ranking correlation and final accuracy. Codes can be found at https://github.com/lilujunai/Auto-Prox-AAAI24.
Comment: Accepetd by AAAI2024