
Winning Strategy for the Multiplayer and Multialliance Zeckendorf Games
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Number Theory
Edouard Zeckendorf proved that every positive integer $n$ can be uniquely written \cite{Ze} as the sum of non-adjacent Fibonacci numbers, known as the Zeckendorf decomposition. Based on Zeckendorf's decomposition, we have the Zeckendorf game for multiple players. We show that when the Zeckendorf game has at least $3$ players, none of the players have a winning strategy for $n\geq 5$. Then we extend the multi-player game to the multi-alliance game, finding some interesting situations in which no alliance has a winning strategy. This includes the two-alliance game, and some cases in which one alliance always has a winning strategy. %We examine what alliances, or combinations of players, can win, and what size they have to be in order to do so. We also find necessary structural constraints on what alliances our method of proof can show to be winning. Furthermore, we find some alliance structures which must have winning strategies. %We also extend the Generalized Zeckendorf game from $2$-players to multiple players. We find that when the game has $3$ players, player $2$ never has a winning strategy for any significantly large $n$. We also find that when the game has at least $4$ players, no player has a winning strategy for any significantly large $n$.
Comment: 11 pages, from Zeckendorf Polymath REU; new version addresses minor typos, table of contents removed, inclusion of MSC subject code