
Cosmic Ray Background Rejection with Wire-Cell LArTPC Event Reconstruction in the MicroBooNE Detector
Document Type
Working Paper
MicroBooNE collaborationAbratenko, P.Alrashed, M.An, R.Anthony, J.Asaadi, J.Ashkenazi, A.Balasubramanian, S.Baller, B.Barnes, C.Barr, G.Basque, V.Bathe-Peters, L.Rodrigues, O. BenevidesBerkman, S.Bhanderi, A.Bhat, A.Bishai, M.Blake, A.Bolton, T.Camilleri, L.Caratelli, D.Terrazas, I. CaroFernandez, R. CastilloCavanna, F.Cerati, G.Chen, Y.Church, E.Cianci, D.Conrad, J. M.Convery, M.Cooper-Troendle, L.Crespo-Anadon, J. I.Del Tutto, M.Devitt, D.Diurba, R.Domine, L.Dorrill, R.Duffy, K.Dytman, S.Eberly, B.Ereditato, A.Sanchez, L. EscuderoEvans, J. J.Aguirre, G. A. FiorentiniFitzpatrick, R. S.Fleming, B. T.Foppiani, N.Franco, D.Furmanski, A. P.Garcia-Gamez, D.Gardiner, S.Ge, G.Gollapinni, S.Goodwin, O.Gramellini, E.Green, P.Greenlee, H.Gu, W.Guenette, R.Guzowski, P.Hagaman, L.Hall, E.Hamilton, P.Hen, O.Horton-Smith, G. A.Hourlier, A.Huang, E. C.Itay, R.James, C.de Vries, J. JanJi, X.Jiang, L.Jo, J. H.Johnson, R. A.Jwa, Y. J.Kamp, N.Kaneshige, N.Karagiorgi, G.Ketchum, W.Kirby, B.Kirby, M.Kobilarcik, T.Kreslo, I.LaZur, R.Lepetic, I.Li, K.Li, Y.Littlejohn, B. R.Lorca, D.Louis, W. C.Luo, X.Marchionni, A.Mariani, C.Marsden, D.Marshall, J.Martin-Albo, J.Caicedo, D. A. MartinezMason, K.Mastbaum, A.McConkey, N.Meddage, V.Mettler, T.Miller, K.Mills, J.Mistry, K.Mohayai, T.Mogan, A.Moon, J.Mooney, M.Moor, A. F.Moore, C. D.Lepin, L. MoraMousseau, J.Murphy, M.Naples, D.Navrer-Agasson, A.Neely, R. K.Nienaber, P.Nowak, J.Palamara, O.Paolone, V.Papadopoulou, A.Papavassiliou, V.Pate, S. F.Paudel, A.Pavlovic, Z.Piasetzky, E.Ponce-Pinto, I.Porzio, D.Prince, S.Qian, X.Raaf, J. L.Radeka, V.Rafique, A.Reggiani-Guzzo, M.Ren, L.Rochester, L.Rondon, J. RodriguezRogers, H. E.Rosenberg, M.Ross-Lonergan, M.Russell, B.Scanavini, G.Schmitz, D. W.Schukraft, A.Seligman, W.Shaevitz, M. H.Sharankova, R.Sinclair, J.Smith, A.Snider, E. L.Soderberg, M.Soldner-Rembold, S.Soleti, S. R.Spentzouris, P.Spitz, J.Stancari, M.John, J. St.Strauss, T.Sutton, K.Sword-Fehlberg, S.Szelc, A. M.Tagg, N.Tang, W.Terao, K.Thorpe, C.Toups, M.Tsai, Y. -T.Tufanli, S.Uchida, M. A.Usher, T.Van De Pontseele, W.Viren, B.Weber, M.Wei, H.Williams, Z.Wolbers, S.Wongjirad, T.Wospakrik, M.Wu, W.Yandel, E.Yang, T.Yarbrough, G.Yates, L. E.Yu, H. W.Zeller, G. P.Zennamo, J.Zhang, C.
Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 064071 (2021)
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
High Energy Physics - Experiment
For a large liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) operating on or near the Earth's surface to detect neutrino interactions, the rejection of cosmogenic background is a critical and challenging task because of the large cosmic ray flux and the long drift time of the TPC. We introduce a superior cosmic background rejection procedure based on the Wire-Cell three-dimensional (3D) event reconstruction for LArTPCs. From an initial 1:20,000 neutrino to cosmic-ray background ratio, we demonstrate these tools on data from the MicroBooNE experiment and create a high performance generic neutrino event selection with a cosmic contamination of 14.9\% (9.7\%) for a visible energy region greater than O(200)~MeV. The neutrino interaction selection efficiency is 80.4\% and 87.6\% for inclusive $\nu_\mu$ charged-current and $\nu_e$ charged-current interactions, respectively. This significantly improved performance compared to existing reconstruction algorithms, marks a major milestone toward reaching the scientific goals of LArTPC neutrino oscillation experiments operating near the Earth's surface.