
Compartmentalizing the cuprate strange metal
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
It has long been recognized that the key to unlocking the mystery of cuprate high-Tc superconductivity lies in understanding the anomalous normal state from which pairs form and condense. While many of its defining properties have been identified, they are often considered either at a singular doping level or as an isolated phenomenon as a function of doping. As a result, their relation to each other and to the pseudogap (PG), strange metal (SM) and non-superconducting (non-SC) regimes that define the cuprate phase diagram has yet to be elucidated. Here, we report a high-field in-plane MR study on several cuprate families spanning all 3 regimes that reveal a complex yet nonetheless systematic evolution of the form of the MR, with each regime possessing its own distinct scaling behavior. In the PG regime, the MR exhibits pure H/T^2 scaling at low fields and H-linearity at the highest field strengths. While the H-linearity persists inside the SM regime, the scaling changes abruptly to H/T. The size of the H-linear slope, meanwhile, is found to be correlated with both the T-linear resistivity coefficient and Tc, strengthening the characterization of the SM regime as a quantum critical phase. We interpret the omnipresence of H-linear MR across both regimes as a signature of highly anisotropic, possibly discontinuous features on the Fermi surface. Finally, within the non-SC, Fermi-liquid regime, we observe a recovery of conventional Kohler scaling. This comprehensive study establishes the distinct nature of the magnetotransport within each regime and identifies power-law scaling of the normal state MR as a defining feature of SC hole-doped cuprates. The incompatibility of such power-law scaling with any known variant of Boltzmann transport theory motivates the quest for an altogether new theoretical framework, one in which the MR is entirely decoupled from elastic impurity scattering.