
Temperature-Dependent Anomalies in the Structure of the (001) Surface of LiCu2O2
Document Type
Working Paper
Surf. Sci. 605 (2011) 376-382
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Surface corrugation functions, derived from elastic helium atom scattering (HAS) diffraction patterns at different temperatures, reveal that the Cu2+ rows in the (001) surface of LiCu2O2 undergo an outward displacement of about 0.15 {\AA} as the surface was cooled down to 140 K. This is probably the first time that isolated one-dimensional magnetic ion arrays were realized, which qualifies the Li1+Cu2+O2-2 surface as a candidate to study one-dimensional magnetism. The rising Cu2+ rows induce a surface incommensurate structural transition along the a-direction. Surface equilibrium analysis showed that the surface Cu2+ ions at bulk-like positions experience a net outward force along the surface normal which is relieved by the displacement. Temperature-dependent changes of the surface phonon dispersions obtained with the aid of inelastic HAS measurements combined with surface lattice dynamical calculations are also reported.
Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures