
The ALMA Legacy survey of Class 0/I disks in Corona australis, Aquila, chaMaeleon, oPhiuchus north, Ophiuchus, Serpens (CAMPOS). I. Evolution of Protostellar disk radii
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
We surveyed nearly all the embedded protostars in seven nearby clouds (Corona Australis, Aquila, Chamaeleon I & II, Ophiuchus North, Ophiuchus, Serpens) with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array at 1.3mm observations with a resolution of 0.1$"$. This survey detected 184 protostellar disks, 90 of which were observed at a resolution of 14-18 au, making it one of the most comprehensive high-resolution disk samples across various protostellar evolutionary stages to date. Our key findings include the detection of new annular substructures in two Class I and two flat-spectrum sources, while 21 embedded protostars exhibit distinct asymmetries or substructures in their disks. We find that protostellar disks have a substantially large variability in their radii across all evolutionary classes. In particular, the fraction of large disks with sizes above 60\,au decreases as the protostar evolves from Class 0 to Class I. Compiling the literature data, we discovered an increasing trend of the gas disk radii to dust disk radii ratio ($R_{\rm gas,Kep}/R_{\rm mm}$) with increasing bolometric temperature (${\rm T}_{\rm bol}$). Our results indicate that the dust and gas disk radii decouple during the early Class I stage. However, in the Class 0 stage, the dust and gas disk sizes are similar, which allows a direct comparison between models and observational data at the earliest stages of protostellar evolution. We show that the distribution of radii in the 52 Class 0 disks in our sample is in high tension with various disk formation models, indicating that protostellar disk formation remains an unsolved question.
Comment: Accepted by ApJ 2024.7.8, 70 pages, 30 figures