
Excess resistivity in graphene superlattices caused by umklapp electron-electron scattering
Document Type
Working Paper
Nature Physics (2018)
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Umklapp processes play a fundamental role as the only intrinsic mechanism that allows electrons to transfer momentum to the crystal lattice and, therefore, provide a finite electrical resistance in pure metals. However, umklapp scattering has proven to be elusive in experiment as it is easily obscured by other dissipation mechanisms. Here we show that electron-electron umklapp scattering dominates the transport properties of graphene-on-boron-nitride superlattices over a wide range of temperatures and carrier densities. The umklapp processes cause giant excess resistivity that rapidly increases with increasing the superlattice period and are responsible for deterioration of the room-temperature mobility by more than an order of magnitude as compared to standard, non-superlattice graphene devices. The umklapp scattering exhibits a quadratic temperature dependence accompanied by a pronounced electron-hole asymmetry with the effect being much stronger for holes rather than electrons. Aside from fundamental interest, our results have direct implications for design of possible electronic devices based on heterostructures featuring superlattices.