
Nonergodic Diffusion of Single Atoms in a Periodic Potential
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Atomic Physics
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics
Physics - Biological Physics
Diffusion is a central phenomenon in almost all fields of natural science revealing microscopic processes from the observation of macroscopic dynamics. Here, we consider the paradigmatic system of a single atom diffusing in a periodic potential. We engineer microscopic particle-environment interaction to control the ensuing diffusion over a broad range of diffusion constants and from normal to subdiffusion. While one- and two-point properties extracted from single particle trajectories, such as variance or position correlations, indicate apparent Brownian motion, the step size distribution, however, shows exponentially decaying tails. Furthermore non-ergodic dynamics is observed on long time scales. We demonstrate excellent agreement with a model of continuous time random walk with exponential distribution, which applies to various transport phenomena in condensed or soft matter with periodic potentials.