
How Far Can We Extract Diverse Perspectives from Large Language Models?
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Computation and Language
Collecting diverse human opinions is costly and challenging. This leads to a recent trend in collaborative efforts between humans and Large Language Models (LLMs) for generating diverse data, offering potential scalable and efficient solutions. However, the extent of LLMs' capability to generate diverse perspectives on subjective topics remains an unexplored question. In this study, we investigate LLMs' capacity for generating diverse perspectives and rationales on subjective topics, such as social norms and argumentative texts. We formulate a new problem of maximum diversity extraction from LLMs. Motivated by how humans develop their opinions through their values, we propose a criteria-based prompting technique to ground diverse opinions. To see how far we can extract diverse perspectives from LLMs, or called diversity coverage, we employ a step-by-step recall prompting for generating more outputs from the model in an iterative manner. As we apply our methods to various tasks, indeed we find that LLMs can generate diverse opinions according to the degree of task subjectivity