
Coin Flipping of \emph{Any} Constant Bias Implies One-Way Functions
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Cryptography and Security
We show that the existence of a coin-flipping protocol safe against \emph{any} non-trivial constant bias (\eg $.499$) implies the existence of one-way functions. This improves upon a recent result of Haitner and Omri [FOCS '11], who proved this implication for protocols with bias $\frac{\sqrt2 -1}2 - o(1) \approx .207$. Unlike the result of Haitner and Omri, our result also holds for \emph{weak} coin-flipping protocols.
Comment: This is the final draft of this paper. The full version was published in the Journal of the ACM 2018. An extended abstract of this work appeared in the proceedings of STOC 2014