
Entanglement parity effects in the Kane-Fisher problem
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
Quantum Physics
We study the entanglement of a segment of length $\ell$ in an XXZ chain with one free extremity and the other connected to the rest of the system with a weak bond. We find that the von-Neumann entropy exhibits terms of order $O(1)$ with strong parity effects, that probe the physics associated with the weakened bond and its behavior under the RG (Kane Fisher problem). In contrast with the XX case studied previously the entropy difference $\delta S\equiv S^e-S^o$ gives rise now to a "resonance" curve which depends on the product $\ell T_B$, with $1/T_B$ a characteristic length scale akin to the Kondo length in Kondo problems. The problem is studied both numerically using DMRG and analytically near the healed and split fixed points. Interestingly - and in contrast with what happens in other impurity problems- $\delta S$ can, at least at lowest order, be tackled by conformal perturbation theory.