
Gas and star formation in satellites of Milky Way analogs
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We have imaged the entirety of eight (plus one partial) Milky Way-like satellite systems, a total of 42 (45) satellites, from the Satellites Around Galactic Analogs (SAGA) II catalog in both H$\alpha$ and HI with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Jansky Very Large Array. In these eight systems we have identified four cases where a satellite appears to be currently undergoing ram pressure stripping (RPS) as its HI gas collides with the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of its host. We also see a clear suppression of gas fraction ($M_\mathrm{HI}/M_\ast$) with decreasing (projected) satellite--host separation; to our knowledge, the first time this has been observed in a sample of Milky Way-like systems. Comparisons to the Auriga, APOSTLE, and TNG50 cosmological zoom-in simulations show consistent global behavior, but they systematically under-predict gas fractions across all satellites by roughly 0.5 dex. Using a simplistic RPS model we estimate the average peak CGM density that satellites in these systems have encountered to be $\log \rho_\mathrm{cgm}/\mathrm{g\,cm^{-3}} \approx -27.3$. Furthermore, we see tentative evidence that these satellites are following a specific star formation rate-to-gas fraction relation that is distinct from field galaxies. Finally, we detect one new gas-rich satellite in the UGC903 system with an optical size and surface brightness meeting the standard criteria to be considered an ultra-diffuse galaxy.
Comment: Accepted to ApJ