
From FAIR to RHIC, hyper clusters and an effective strange EoS for QCD
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Two major aspects of strange particle physics at the upcoming FAIR and NICA facilities and the RHIC low energy scan will be discussed. A new distinct production mechanism for hypernuclei will be presented, namely the production abundances for hypernuclei from $\Lambda$'s absorbed in the spectator matter in peripheral heavy ion collisions. As strangeness is not uniformly distributed in the fireball of a heavy ion collision, the properties of the equation of state therefore depend on the local strangeness fraction. The same, inside neutron stars strangeness is not conserved and lattice studies on the properties of finite density QCD usually rely on an expansion of thermodynamic quantities at zero strange chemical potential, hence at non-zero strange-densities. We will therefore discuss recent investigations on the EoS of strange-QCD and present results from an effective EoS of QCD that includes the correct asymptotic degrees of freedom and a deconfinement and chiral phase transition.
Comment: Talk given at the international conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter 2011 in Krakow