
Link between supercurrent diode and anomalous Josephson effect revealed by gate-controlled interferometry
Document Type
Working Paper
Nature Communications, 15, 4413 (2024)
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
In Josephson diodes the asymmetry between positive and negative current branch of the current-phase relation leads to a polarity-dependent critical current and Josephson inductance. The supercurrent nonreciprocity can be described as a consequence of the anomalous Josephson effect -- a $\varphi_0$-shift of the current-phase relation -- in multichannel ballistic junctions with strong spin-orbit interaction. In this work, we simultaneously investigate $\varphi_0$-shift and supercurrent diode efficiency on the same Josephson junction by means of a superconducting quantum interferometer. By electrostatic gating, we reveal a direct link between $\varphi_0$-shift and diode effect. Our findings show that the supercurrent diode effect mainly results from magnetochiral anisotropy induced by spin-orbit interaction in combination with a Zeeman field.
Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures