
Planetesimals drifting through dusty and gaseous white dwarf debris discs: Types I, II and III-like migration
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
The suite of over 60 known planetary debris discs which orbit white dwarfs, along with detections of multiple minor planets in these systems, motivate investigations about the migration properties of planetesimals embedded within the discs. Here, we determine whether any of the migration regimes which are common in (pre-)main-sequence protoplanetary discs, debris discs and ring systems could be active and important in white dwarf discs. We investigate both dust-dominated and gas-dominated regions, and quantitatively demonstrate that Type I and Type II migration, as well as their particulate disc analogues, are too slow to be relevant in white dwarf discs. However, we find that the analogue of Type III migration for particulate discs may be rapid in the dusty regions of asteroid- or moon-generated ($>10^{18}$ kg) white dwarf discs, where a planetesimal exterior to its Roche radius may migrate across the entire disc within its lifetime. This result holds over a wide range of disc boundaries, both within and exterior to $1R_{\odot}$, and such that the probability of migration occurring increases with higher disc masses.
Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; corrected typos in Table 1 and References section