
Spectroscopy and excited-state $g$~factors in weakly collective ${^{111}}$Cd: confronting collective and microscopic models
Document Type
Working Paper
Nuclear Experiment
Nuclear Theory
The even cadmium isotopes near the neutron midshell have long been considered good examples of vibrational nuclei. However, the vibrational nature of these nuclei has been questioned based on E2 transition rates that are not consistent with vibrational excitations. In the neighbouring odd-mass nuclei, the g factors of the low-excitation collective states have been shown to be more consistent with a deformed rotational core than a vibrational core. Beyond the comparison of vibrational versus rotational models, recent advances in computational power have made shell-model calculations feasible for Cd isotopes, which may give insights into the emergence and nature of collectivity in the Cd isotopes. Collective excitations in the A ~ 100 region were studied through magnetic moments and electromagnetic transitions in 111Cd. The spectroscopy of 111Cd has been studied following Coulomb excitation. Angular correlation measurements, transient-field g-factor measurements and lifetime measurements by the Doppler-broadened line shape method were performed. The structure of the nucleus was explored in relation to particle-vibration versus particle-rotor interpretations. Large-scale shell-model calculations were performed with the SR88MHJM Hamiltonian. Excited-state g factors have been measured, spin assignments examined and lifetimes determined. Attention was given to the reported $5/2^{+}$ 753-keV and $3/2^{+}$ 755-keV states. The $3/2^{+}$ 755-keV level was not observed; evidence is presented that the reported $3/2^+$ state was a misidentification of the $5/2^{+}$ 753-keV state. It is shown that the g factors and level structure of 111Cd are not readily explained by the particle-vibration model. A particle-rotor approach has both successes and limitations. The shell-model approach successfully reproduces much of the known low-excitation structure in 111Cd.