
Probing non-equilibrium dissipative phase transitions with trapped-ion quantum simulators
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Physics
Open quantum many-body systems with controllable dissipation can exhibit novel features in their dynamics and steady states. A paradigmatic example is the dissipative transverse field Ising model. It has been shown recently that the steady state of this model with all-to-all interactions is genuinely non-equilibrium near criticality, exhibiting a modified time-reversal symmetry and violating the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Experimental study of such non-equilibrium steady-state phase transitions is however lacking. Here we propose realistic experimental setups and measurement schemes for current trapped-ion quantum simulators to demonstrate this phase transition, where controllable dissipation is engineered via a continuous weak optical pumping laser. With extensive numerical calculations, we show that strong signatures of this dissipative phase transition and its non-equilibrium properties can be observed with a small system size across a wide range of system parameters. In addition, we show that the same signatures can also be seen if the dissipation is instead achieved via Floquet dynamics with periodic and probabilistic resetting of the spins. Dissipation engineered in this way may allow the simulation of more general types of driven-dissipative systems or facilitate the dissipative preparation of useful many-body entangled states.
Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures