
A quasar-galaxy merger at $z\sim6.2$: black hole mass and quasar properties from the NIRSpec spectrum
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 685, A121 (2024)
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
We present JWST/NIRSpec integral field data of the quasar PJ308-21 at $z=6.2342$. As shown by previous ALMA and HST imaging, the quasar has two companion sources, interacting with the quasar host galaxy. The high-resolution G395H/290LP NIRSpec spectrum covers the $2.87-5.27\ \rm \mu m$ wavelength range and shows the rest-frame optical emission of the quasar with exquisite quality ($S/N\sim 100-400$ per spectral element). Based on the H$\beta$ line from the broad line region, we obtain an estimate of the black hole mass $M_{\rm BH,H\beta}\sim 2.7\times 10^{9}\ \rm M_{\odot}$. This value is within a factor $\lesssim 1.5$ of the H$\alpha$-based black hole mass from the same spectrum ($M_{\rm BH, H\alpha}\sim 1.93\times 10^{9}\ \rm M_{\odot}$) and is consistent with a previous estimate relying on the MgII $\lambda 2799$ ($M_{\rm BH, MgII}\sim 2.65\times 10^{9}\ \rm M_{\odot}$). All these $M_{\rm BH}$ are within the $\sim 0.5$ dex intrinsic scatter of the adopted mass calibrations. The high Eddington ratio of PJ308-21 $\lambda_{\rm Edd,H\beta}\sim 0.67$ ($\lambda_{\rm Edd,H\alpha}\sim 0.96$) is in line with the overall quasar population at $z \gtrsim 6$. The relative strengths of the [OIII], FeII and H$\beta$ lines are consistent with the empirical "Eigenvector 1" correlations as observed for low redshift quasars. We find evidence for blueshifted [OIII] $\lambda 5007$ emission with a velocity offset $\Delta v_{\rm [OIII]}=-1922\pm 39$ km s$^{-1}$ from the systemic velocity and a $\rm FWHM([OIII])=2776^{+75}_{-74}$ km s$^{-1}$. This may be the signature of an outflow from the nuclear region, despite the true values of $\Delta v_{\rm [OIII]}$ and $\rm FWHM([OIII])$ are likely more uncertain due to the blending with H$\beta$ and FeII lines. Our study demonstrates the unique capabilities of NIRSpec in capturing quasar spectra at cosmic dawn and studying their properties in unprecedented detail.
Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&A