
Experimental studies of black holes: status and future prospects
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
More than a century ago, Albert Einstein presented his general theory of gravitation (GR) to the Prussian Academy of Sciences. One of the predictions of the theory is that not only particles and objects with mass, but also the quanta of light, photons, are tied to the curvature of space-time, and thus to gravity. There must be a critical compactness, above which photons cannot escape. These are black holes (henceforth BH). It took fifty years after the theory was announced before possible candidate objects were identified by observational astronomy. And another fifty years have passed, until we finally have in hand detailed and credible experimental evidence that BHs of 10 to 10^10 times the mass of the Sun exist in the Universe. Three very different experimental techniques, but all based on Michelson interferometry or Fourier-inversion spatial interferometry have enabled the critical experimental breakthroughs. It has now become possible to investigate the space-time structure in the vicinity of the event horizons of BHs. We briefly summarize these interferometric techniques, and discuss the spectacular recent improvements achieved with all three techniques. Finally, we sketch where the path of exploration and inquiry may go on in the next decades.
Comment: 50 pages, accepted to The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review