
The Flow Game: Leximin and Leximax Core Imputations
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Computer Science and Game Theory
Recently [Vaz24] gave mechanisms for finding leximin and leximax core imputations for the assignment game and remarked, "Within the area of algorithm design, the "right" technique for solving several types of algorithmic questions was first discovered in the context of matching and later these insights were applied to other problems. We expect a similar phenomenon here." One of the games explicitly mentioned in this context was the flow game of Kalai and Zemel [KZ82]. In this paper, we give strongly polynomial time mechanisms for computing the leximin and leximax core imputations for the flow game, among the set of core imputations that are captured as optimal solutions to the dual LP. We address two versions: 1. The imputations are leximin and leximax with respect to the distance labels of edges. 2. The imputations are leximin and leximax with respect to the product of capacities of edges and their distance labels.
Comment: 10 pages