
RePLan: Robotic Replanning with Perception and Language Models
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Robotics
Advancements in large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated their potential in facilitating high-level reasoning, logical reasoning and robotics planning. Recently, LLMs have also been able to generate reward functions for low-level robot actions, effectively bridging the interface between high-level planning and low-level robot control. However, the challenge remains that even with syntactically correct plans, robots can still fail to achieve their intended goals due to imperfect plans or unexpected environmental issues. To overcome this, Vision Language Models (VLMs) have shown remarkable success in tasks such as visual question answering. Leveraging the capabilities of VLMs, we present a novel framework called Robotic Replanning with Perception and Language Models (RePLan) that enables online replanning capabilities for long-horizon tasks. This framework utilizes the physical grounding provided by a VLM's understanding of the world's state to adapt robot actions when the initial plan fails to achieve the desired goal. We developed a Reasoning and Control (RC) benchmark with eight long-horizon tasks to test our approach. We find that RePLan enables a robot to successfully adapt to unforeseen obstacles while accomplishing open-ended, long-horizon goals, where baseline models cannot, and can be readily applied to real robots. Find more information at https://replan-lm.github.io/replan.github.io/