
Spin-Relaxation Mechanisms in InAs Quantum Well Heterostructures
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
The spin-orbit interaction and spin-relaxation mechanisms of a shallow InAs quantum well heterostructure are investigated by magnetoconductance measurements as a function of an applied top-gate voltage. The data were fit using the Iordanskii--Lyanda-Geller--Pikus model and two distinct transport regimes were identified which correspond to the first and second sub-bands of the quantum well. The spin-orbit interaction splitting energy is extracted from the fits to the data, which also displays two distinct regimes. The different sub-band regimes exhibit different spin-scattering mechanisms, the identification of which, is of relevance for device platforms of reduced dimensionality which utilise the spin-orbit interaction.
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