
Hidden-flavor pentaquarks
Document Type
Working Paper
Physical Review D 106, 114012 (2022)
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Theory
We have recently studied hidden-charm pentaquarks, $c\bar c qqq$, using dynamical correlations between the heavy quarks arising from the Coulomb-like nature of the short-range interaction. A pattern was obtained that compares well with the experimental data. We extend our description to other flavor sectors which can be framed within the same type of structures discussed in the original paper. A detailed comparison is made with other results in the literature and with experimental data. Predictions will be a useful tool to discriminate between different models of multiquark system dynamics.
Comment: 18 pages. Accepted for publication in Phy. Rev. D. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2207.02757