
Stellar populations with MEGARA: the inner regions of NGC 7025
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 657, A95 (2022)
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Context. We aim to determine the capabilities of the MEGARA@GTC instrument integral-field unit to study stellar populations and exploit its combination of high spectral (R \sim 6,000, 12,000 and 20,000) and spatial (0.62") resolutions within its 12.5"x11.3" field of view. Aims. We pursue to establish a systematic method through which we can determine the properties of the stellar populations in the observations made with MEGARA, more specifically within the MEGADES legacy project and, for this paper, those of the stellar populations of NGC 7025. Methods. We use MEGARA observations of galaxy NGC 7025. We apply different approaches to estimate the properties of the stellar populations with the highest possible certainty. Numerous tests were also performed to check the reliability of the study. Results. All the studies we conduct (both full spectral fitting and absorption line indices) on the stellar populations of NGC 7025 indicate that the stars that form its bulge have supersolar metallicity and considerably old ages (\sim 10 Gyr), in general. We determined that the bulge of NGC 7025 has a mild negative mass-weighted age gradient using three different combinations of MEGARA spectral setups. Regarding its more detailed star formation history, our results indicate that, besides a rather constant star formation at early epochs, a peak in formation history of the stars in the bulge is also found 3.5-4.5 Gyr ago, partly explaining the mass-weighted age gradients measured. Conclusions. The scenario presented in NGC 7025 is that of an isolated galaxy under secular evolution that about 3.5-4.5 Gyr ago likely experimented a minor merger (mass ratio 1/10) that induced an increase in star formation and also perturbed the morphology of its outer disc. We report on different lessons learned for the ongoing exploitation of the MEGADES survey with GTC.
Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics