
Measurement of the 3He Spin-Structure Functions and of Neutron (3He) Spin-Dependent Sum Rules at 0.035
Document Type
Working Paper
Sulkosky, V.Singh, J. T.Peng, C.Chen, J. -P.Deur, A.Abrahamyan, S.Aniol, K. A.Armstrong, D. S.Averett, T.Bailey, S. L.Beck, A.Bertin, P.Butaru, F.Boeglin, W.Camsonne, A.Cates, G. D.Chang, C. C.Choi, SeonhoChudakov, E.Coman, L.Cornejo, J. CCraver, B.Cusanno, F.De Leo, R.de Jager, C. W.Denton, J. D.Dhamija, S.Feuerbach, R.Finn, J. M.Frullani, S.Fuoti, K.Gao, H.Garibaldi, F.Gayou, O.Gilman, R.Glamazdin, A.Glashausser, C.Gomez, J.Hansen, J. -O.Hayes, D.Hersman, B.Higinbotham, D. W.Holmstrom, T.Humensky, T. B.Hyde, C. E.Ibrahim, H.Iodice, M.Jiang, X.Kaufman, L. J.Kelleher, A.Keister, K. E.Kim, W.Kolarkar, A.Kolb, N.Korsch, W.Kramer, K.Kumbartzki, G.Lagamba, L.Laine, V.Laveissiere, G.Lerose, J. J.Lhuillier, D.Lindgren, R.Liyanage, N.Lu, H. -J.Ma, B.Margaziotis, D. J.Markowitz, P.McCormick, K.Meziane, M.Meziani, Z. -E.Michaels, R.Moffit, B.Monaghan, P.Nanda, S.Niedziela, J.Niskin, M.Pandolfi, R.Paschke, K. D.Potokar, M.Puckett, A.Punjabi, V. A.Qiang, Y.Ransome, R.Reitz, B.Roche, R.Saha, A.Shabetai, A.Sirca, S.Slifer, K.Snyder, R.Solvignon, P.Stringer, R.Subedi, R.Tobias, W. A.Ton, N.Ulmer, P. E.Urciuoli, G. M.Vacheret, A.Voutier, E.Wang, K.Wan, L.Wojtsekhowski, B.Woo, S.Yao, H.Yuan, J.Zhan, X.Zheng, X.Zhu, L.
Phys.Lett.B 805 135428 (2020)
Nuclear Experiment
High Energy Physics - Experiment
The spin-structure functions $g_1$ and $g_2$, and the spin-dependent partial cross-section $\sigma_\mathrm{TT}$ have been extracted from the polarized cross-sections differences, $\Delta \sigma_{\parallel}\hspace{-0.06cm}\left(\nu,Q^{2}\right)$ and $\Delta \sigma_{\perp}\hspace{-0.06cm}\left(\nu,Q^{2}\right)$ measured for the $\vec{^\textrm{3}\textrm{He}}(\vec{\textrm{e}},\textrm{e}')\textrm{X}$ reaction, in the E97-110 experiment at Jefferson Lab. Polarized electrons with energies from 1.147 to 4.404 GeV were scattered at angles of 6$^{\circ}$ and 9$^{\circ}$ from a longitudinally or transversely polarized $^{3}$He target. The data cover the kinematic regions of the quasi-elastic, resonance production and beyond. From the extracted spin-structure functions, the first moments $\overline{\Gamma_1}\hspace{-0.06cm}\left(Q^{2}\right)$, $\Gamma_2\hspace{-0.06cm}\left(Q^{2}\right)$ and $I_{\mathrm{TT}}\hspace{-0.06cm}\left(Q^{2}\right)$ are evaluated with high precision for the neutron in the $Q^2$ range from 0.035 to 0.24~GeV$^{2}$. The comparison of the data and the chiral effective field theory predictions reveals the importance of proper treatment of the $\Delta$ degree of freedom for spin observables.
Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Version published in Phys. Lett. B