
Efficient Computation of Sparse and Robust Maximum Association Estimators
Document Type
Working Paper
Statistics - Computation
Statistics - Machine Learning
Although robust statistical estimators are less affected by outlying observations, their computation is usually more challenging. This is particularly the case in high-dimensional sparse settings. The availability of new optimization procedures, mainly developed in the computer science domain, offers new possibilities for the field of robust statistics. This paper investigates how such procedures can be used for robust sparse association estimators. The problem can be split into a robust estimation step followed by an optimization for the remaining decoupled, (bi-)convex problem. A combination of the augmented Lagrangian algorithm and adaptive gradient descent is implemented to also include suitable constraints for inducing sparsity. We provide results concerning the precision of the algorithm and show the advantages over existing algorithms in this context. High-dimensional empirical examples underline the usefulness of this procedure. Extensions to other robust sparse estimators are possible.