
Optimization and performance of the CryoCube detector for the future RICOCHET low-energy neutrino experiment
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
High Energy Physics - Experiment
The RICOCHET reactor neutrino observatory is planned to be installed at Institut Laue-Langevin starting in mid-2022. The scientific goal of the RICOCHET collaboration is to perform a low-energy and percentage-precision CENNS measurement in order to explore exotic physics scenarios beyond the standard model. To that end, RICOCHET will host two cryogenic detector arrays : the CryoCube (Ge target) and the Q-ARRAY (Zn target), both with unprecedented sensitivity to O(10)eV nuclear recoils. The CryoCube will be composed of 27 Ge crystals of 38g instrumented with NTD-Ge thermal sensor as well as aluminum electrodes operated at 10mK in order to measure both the ionization and the heat energies arising from a particle interaction. To be a competitive CENNS detector, the CryoCube array is designed with the following specifications : a low energy threshold ($\sim 50$eV), the ability to identify and reject with a high efficiency the overwhelming electromagnetic backgrounds (gamma, betas, X-rays) and a sufficient payload ($\sim 1$kg). After a brief introduction of the future RICOCHET experiment and its CryoCube, the current works and first performance results on the optimization of the heat channel and the electrode designs will be presented. We conclude with a preliminary estimation of the CryoCube sensitivity to the CENNS signal within RICOCHET.
Comment: Submitted to Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Special Issue for the 19th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors 19-29 July 2021 (Virtual event hold by NIST)